The Saint between Manuscript and Print: Italy 1400-1600, ed. Alison K. Frazier, Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2015, 494 p. ISBN 978-0-7727-2181-5. [Índex]
Conté, entre d’altres, articles sobre sant Vicent Ferrer, de canonització impulsada per Calixt III (Laura Ackermann SMOLLER,[1] “The unstable image of Vincent Ferrer in manuscript and print vitae, 1455-1555″); Girolamo Savonarola (Stefano DALL’AGLIO, “‘Everyone worships fra Girolamo as a saint’: Savonarola’s presumed sanctity in Sixteenth-Century manuscripts and prints”); sor Lucia Broccadelli de Narni, la terciària dominicana amb els estigmes de Crist que Lucrècia Borja va aconseguir portar a Ferrara arran del seu casament amb Alfons d’Este[2] (Gabriela ZARRI, “Blessed Lucia of Narni (1476-1544) between ‘hagiography’ and ‘autobiography’: mystical authorship and the persistence of the manuscript”).
[1] Autora del recent The Saint and the Chopped-Up Baby: The Cult of Vincent Ferrer in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014 (extractes a Google Books).
[2] Vegeu Gabriela ZARRI, La “religione” di Lucrezia Borgia. Le lettere inedite del confessore, Roma: Roma nel Rinascimento, 2006, p. 116-130.